Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not official Weigh In - Loss

Even though my official weigh in (WI) day is on Mondays, I actually weigh in everyday. Since I work out of the Wii you have the option to weigh yourself when you start so of course I do (since I have no patience to try to wait until Mondays).

Today I weighed myself and I was down 2 lbs!!! For a total 11 lbs lost!

I also measured myself as well.  I've lost a total of one inch in my waist. 5.5 in my hips and 3 in my chest. (Jim's not excited about that last one lol)

I made sure to eat all of my points yesterday. I'm going to work on doing that everyday. I'm not sure whats for dinner tonight. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome - I would weigh myself every day too - no patience. I really gotta get started...

    I'm laughing at the before and after avatar pics on the blog. I WISH I looked like the before picture in a swimsuit. After having twins its not just the weight, my belly is all lopsided and hangs all over the place. The avatar looks so nice and proportioned. :)



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